Family and Marriage

“A marriage is a life commitment, and a life commitment means the prime concern of your life. If marriage is not the prime concern, you are not married.”

Joseph Campbell

Marriage is a life-long relationship, just like the family where you were born to. Therefore family members are guardians, mentors, mediators, witnesses for the growth of  a marriage commitment.

Like nature a marriage has its ups and downs; in difficult moments you can see who is really pro-marriage in each spouses’ families. Generally someone would say: “I told you before s/he is not worthy,” or another: “Good that finally you left her/him!” When you hear that it looks like they are on your side. Taking a deep breath you realize they are supplying you with their judgements. Very seldom you see someone telling you this hardship will pass, reminding estranged spouses about their commitment, or helping them focus on innocent children caught in the middle, seeing the not so obvious angles of the situation.

At the end, every one wants to have a family, but forgets to be an active helping member without a personal agenda. We need to remember what is really marriage about, why we marry someone and forgive. Why we give ourselves.


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